Wednesday 24 April 2019

Human Error & e-Publications

As the topic is based mainly on technology format considerations highlighted a digital method of distribution was the most appropriate. Following these thoughts this encouraged me to think how I could incorporate the content from the survey findings into the most suitable design method of distribution. Based on technology an e-publication seemed a good method of informing and persuading an audience via a digital platform. This encouraged thought into human error and what human errors are specific to e-publications. Specific errors included, legibility, scale, digital, layout, colour and spelling etc. 

The development of a publication could deliberately visualise these errors strengthening the publications focus on the concept of human error. Deliberately making errors within a publication would be an engaging and interactive way to visualise the topic, furthermore intriguing the audience. Some errors specific to e-publications overlap with printed publications which was interesting but it was also essential to recognise errors more specific to e-publications such as digital errors. 

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