Thursday 14 February 2019

OUGD503 End of Module Evaluation

This module has enabled me to build a body of work some suitable for my portfolio whilst teaching valuable skills of working with a client, reflecting how working for a client effects the design process. This module also enabled me to develop finishing method skills acquired in the first module this year. 

The briefs set out were relevant and appropriate to develop my skills and build my design portfolio. I did reasonably well to balance my workload and manage my time, regularly updating my blog with research and reflection on my work which I aim to maintain. 

I also think I have fulfilled a good learning potential although, I still think my work can progress. But my overall learning throughout this module has helped my progression on the course. This includes the new skills I have learned and the greater focus on working collaboratively and with a client. The feedback I was given was helpful and really helped my work to progress throughout the module. 

However as mentioned previously collaboration would have been more effective if the teams were made up equally, two on two or one to one. This would be a much more effective collaborative team so all members points are adhered to with less of biased views over running the design process. 

The tutors gave me great support during this module. The assessment criteria were clearly explained and explained again closer to submission which was helpful. The Library and Print resources were very helpful due to the resource's equipment and workshops. 

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