Monday 11 February 2019

Creative Advertising SB2 : Evaluation

This brief was extremely difficult mainly refining the idea into a design as Natasha kept changing the proposition which changed each layout entirely. It was also difficult being the only Graphic Designer with two other Creative Advertising students. The collaboration would of perhaps been more successful one to one. Due to this creating more of a collaborative work environment rather than one or two person’s ideas being dominant throughout the process. 

The final image clearly communicates the message although feedback from other Graphic students agreed some initial design developments visually were much stronger images and still communicated the idea. However, due to this being a collaborative project it was important to go with the majority vote within the group. 

The developed type and colour scheme worked better than initial type designs resolving design problems encountered throughout the process. These developments created higher quality visuals, dominant typography with a level of hierarchy. The developments produced a high quality outcome that  visually and typographically communicates the idea. 

As mentioned previously the brief offered lots of potential exploration and with improvements to the group size being made smaller the collaborative work balance would be much more suitable. The better work balance would also make the design process run smoother hence this produce more effective outcomes. Collaborative work is much better one to one and this was demonstrated in the other collaborative brief. 

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