Friday 8 February 2019

Creative Advertising SB2 : Fifth Meeting : Further Development

Publication Advert

Flyer Front

Flyer Front


The design process was difficult as Natasha and Ava were pretty set on their own ideas for the design so this made it difficult for the knowledge I have to be adhered to. This was one downfall of the final outcome the type was stronger in the design development stage as opposed to the final outcome. As identified by feedback but due to it being a collaborative project it was important to implement the other group members requirements into the final design. 

The final outcomes visualise a design solution to combine all of the groups ideas avoiding the design not just over-ruled and designed by individual opinions. The colour scheme draws focus to the branding and location of the exhibition. This was a problem identified during research resolved through the consistent colour scheme of pink typography creating an effective design solution.  

The developed type has improved legibility and consistency for Natasha and Ava who initially expressed concerns. The type still visualises the proposition well but in a more even visual consistency.  

The curiosity element encouraged by the design’s image works well to meet the requirements of the brief of standing out against existing and competing advertisements. Engaging with an audience through feelings or the sense of curiosity is a great way to create interest and intrigue around and event. Feelings like this will encourage people to attend Leeds Arts University End of Year Show over competitors due to the engaging design and audience response. 

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