Thursday 14 February 2019

Creative Advertising SB2: Final refinements

Feedback from Creative Advertising students was to upgrade the proposition to 'what will you take away' They liked the development of type and agreed it visualised the proposition and idea well. Unfortunately they were very slow and did not really deliver any of the content which should of been created until the very last minute. 

The proposition colour was also made slightly darker to create a point of difference and contrast to the other type. The brief also mentioned how the University ranks No.1 Design & Crafts in the Guardian league table so it was discussed as a group and was decided this was important information to include. 

Overall this collaboration was extremely difficult, in evaluation I should have been much stricter with regards to time management in order to get what I needed for content much sooner. The type and proposition included should also have been decided much sooner for development to have been more effective. 



Flyer Front

Flyer Back


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