Friday 27 October 2017

Quintuplicate Critique

Development of Ideas Post Critique


Following the feedback received I identified the best idea for further development. This also helped me to see which of my designs worked best both as a typeface and in context relating to the word. The concept or rule behind this typeface is you may only use five squares (shapes) in the construction of each letter. 

For further development I experimented with weighting, fill and negative space, shapes and sizes alone and within grid form (within the square.)  The varied weightings design goes from 0.5 - 4 stroke size. I wanted each square to have increased weighting in a basic order i.e. 1,2,3,4. The second shows how the typeface would work with a fill although it is block colour, I actually think it is more difficult to read as well as taking away from the overall aesthetics of the design. The next design shows the first stage of the design before development. The following shows my experiment of shapes within a 'grid' or the square shape that creates the letterform. I really like the bolder impact this gave to the design. Finally the last design shows how the same idea can be created using different shapes e.g. circles. The other design shows before and after I altered the shapes to decrease or increase in size which also works well but becomes slightly more difficult to read. 

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