Monday 2 October 2017

Ligature Brief

Development of initial ideas and Final Resolution

We critically evaluated each typeface in order to find the one which displayed the personality and qualities of the chosen acronym. We used collage and tracing techniques to create symbolic shapes from the lettering of our chosen typeface, Helvetica. We originally chose Helvetica because its simple shape and form. We decided our acronym "cba," or "can't be assed.” should have a lazy, laid back and simple personality, through further development of our work we decided Helvetica did not properly demonstrate the curvature and laziness we wanted. This is the reason we decided it would be more appropriate to use a more rounded or Sans Serif typeface, because of this we then took the decision to alter the typeface of our already developed ideas to Bodoni. Originally the ideas we generated were more recognisable letterforms but we soon developed these into more abstract forms, which I think worked more effectively as a ligature.The simple designs gave more clarity to the ligature. The alternative weighting of Bodoni added to the outcome and worked well to represent the personality we were trying to portray. The final ligature flows well which was an essential task of the ligature, enabling the symbol to be written quickly, but also making it easily recognisable. Whilst I believe the alternate weighting effectively demonstrated the personality behind the acronym “can’t be assed” which was the aim of the brief, I agree with the feedback given during the Critical Session and believe that if an even rounder font than Bodoni was used it may have portrayed the lazy personality even more effectively.

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