Thursday 12 October 2017

Digital Preparation of Positives for Screen Printing

Digital Preparation of Positives for Screen Printing 

Using Photoshop & Illustrator

Scanner Software - Image Capture 
Default scan at 300ppi

Choose an image 

Step 1
Image Adjustments Click "Desaturate" - to remove all colour from the image 

Step 2 
Change the contrast to a high contrast image using the half circle in layer options 

Step 3 
Adjust the Levels - use the black and white slider ( both sliders on top of another creates the greatest contrast)

Step 4
Click the half circle layer option and select "Threshold" - this removes all greys from the image making the image consist of only black and white pixels.

Step 5 
Use the polygon lasso tool, press "g" change the tool from gradient to paint bucket and fill the shape in black 

Step 6 
Check the colourise the layer, hold alt and click the line joining two layers - this enables you to only change the hue and saturation of that particular layer. 

Step 7 
Turn off "Hue and Saturation" before you print the digital positive 

Step 8 
Alter layer blending mode from "Normal" to "Multiply" 

Step 9 
Consider "overprinting or knocking out" Knocking out involves removing an ink from underneath to do this use very simple selection tools 

Step 10 
Use the magic wand tool and delete a section 

Step 11 
Then select the background layer and set the layer mode to "Multiply" 

Step 12 
Consider "Registration" - this is a consideration for printing ink 

Step 13 
Choose third image and change the mode to "Multiply" - removing the white background 

Step 14 
Half tone - allows us to print different tones of one ink - using a half tone screen by using dots varying in size creating the illusion of tone 

Step 15 
Normally again adjust the levels then "Select All" then "Edit" "Copy Merged"

Step 16 
You must use illustrator to print, Open Adobe Illustrator select "File and New" 

Step 17 
Make sure the black and white printer is selected 

Step 18 
Look at the "Output" option on the printer menu change mode from "Composite" to "Separations (Host-Based)"

Step 19 
Alter the "Frequency" - half tone dots in every inch "50" is the maximum always keep the same frequency, "10" will show dots for aesthetic use 

Step 20
The "Angle" should be set to 15 each screen should have a different angle 

Step 21 
You can alter the dot shape to dot or line to create a different aesthetic

Ai Wei Wei Digital Positives

Image for Screenprint 

Logotype for Screenprint 

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