Friday 20 October 2017

Critique of Logotype


The majority of the feedback I received was generally good. Although I have taken on board any comments made on the areas I can improve or develop further. This has helped me to focus on areas in my work I should add to or improve on. A few of the comments where based on not being able to locate some aspects of my work. This was mainly due to a lot of my work spaced out and two design boards for each idea one for images and one with images and text explaining the concept. Some people found it difficult to locate the Final Outcome page. This is because It wasn't clearly labelled and found in my Design Development post, as I classed my outcome as development work. I fixed this by clearly labelling it. 

I also received feedback to experiment with different fonts, and perhaps experimenting with colour. Therefore I will experiment further taking these comments into consideration before again evaluating my work. I also may consider using his whole name to see how his name works as a whole, not just using his initials. 

"Good that every design has Ai Wei Wei's background involved. Maybe explore with colour? Different Typefaces?"

"Designs are visually strong but feel they're all very similar to the original letterforms - not enough abstraction from the typeface." 

"Very strong conceptual ideas and explorations of ideas, particularly in the logo relating to the Olympics - very strong visual imagery & explanation"

"The ideas are very well thought out and researched." 

"Really love the amount of work and effort that has gone into the development of these ideas, great research, great experimentation but needs to visually communicate more."

Personal Evaluation based on Critique 

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