Saturday 1 December 2018

Design for Screen : Evaluation


Feedback received highlighted possible design developments to enhance the user experience further. After incorporating these developments into the design there is a notable improvement to usability of the extension. By refining the navigation to a ROOM icon, back button, film matching and notification icon whilst still having a menu bar at the bottom of the screen. The menu bar keeps an element of similarity to the original Netflix application. The fewer icons as navigation, offers easy usability and little room for the user to not know how to operate the extension.

The developments included refining the navigation and enhancing the features. This was achieved by showing online and offline users on the Set-up ROOM page, visualised by a green or white circle icon. The film matching icon changing colour once users in the ROOM have matched a film. The inclusion of a notification icon to show when another user wants to connect with you and a request notification to enable or disable the video chat feature.

Overall these developments did successfully meet the aim of improving both usability and navigation within the extension. Whilst also helping to show a clearer interactive storyboard using Adobe XD, through animated transitions. The design also captures the clean and consistent style of the original Netflix application, using the existing colour scheme and similarly matched typefaces helped to keep the design consistent.

Further improvements could be made to the XD storyboard given there was more time. Instead of just showing one user navigation show a variation of more user experiences. For example, matching more than one movie, or creating a bigger ROOM with more than just two users.

Feedback received highlighted the design worked well and had effective usability but offered further development considerations. These have been incorporated into the final outcome. The developments made have improved the extension and provided the best UX by considering the user in greater depth. 

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