Friday 28 December 2018

SB1 : Penguin Children's Cover Award : Initial Ideas

Have an imaginative concept
The design uses illustration, shape and placement of type to create an imaginative concept. 

Be an original interpretation of the brief
The design is original with the typeface aiming to target a younger audience of which the main character Auggie is based upon and it contains an original illustration to visualise Auggie.

Be competently executed with strong use of typography
The typography is executed strongly through its placement and relation to its audience the script type relates well to visualise the target aged reader and age of the main character Auggie. 

Appeal to the broadest possible audience for the book
The design aims to be relatable to a younger audience but the use of negative space and cleverly placed type makes the design also appealing to a much wider audience. 

Show a good understanding of the marketplace
The design relates to a wide audience and the story and feelings the book aims to evoke.

Have a point of difference from other books that it will be competing
against in the market
The book uses shape to create interesting type formats for example the strap-line uses larger type to make the stand out quite literally stand out on a vertical placement that matches the illustration of the main characters height. 

Be able to sit on the shelves of a supermarket or ebook store as easily as it sits on those of more traditional bookshops 
The design is suitable for a broad range of format including traditional and ebooks. The high contrast colour scheme and use of negative space does also increase legibility and allow more for a script title aiming to visualise emotions, the main character and relate to the audience of the book. 

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