Thursday 27 December 2018

SB1 Final Outcome & Evaluation : Bangor Optometrists

The final design worked well once produced and was very fitting to the bay window format. The logo design of the eye or ‘O’ of Optometrists directly in the centre instantly catches the eye of passers by whilst also identifying the practice is an opticians. This meant the design stood out against surrounding competitors as it is difficult to know at a glance without reading the full sign that other practices are Optometrists. 

The black background in contrast to the white type not only made the sign more legible meeting client needs but also stands out against all the existing shops on the street due to the high constrast design and almost entirely monochrome colour scheme. Overall the client was very happy with the finished design and it has already been admired by surrounding shops, like the bridal shop next door!

Further refinements to the production were made by experimenting with possible business card formats and production techniques as seen below.  This is an ongoing process but initial ideas can be seen. Below experimenting with different stock and silver foil using the foiling method overlaying the type. 

Final Outcome Business Card

Final Outcome Letterhead

Final Outcome Compliment Slip

Final Outcome Mailer return patients 

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