Thursday 27 December 2018

SB1 Design Development : Bangor Optometrists

At this stage design development became easier because the client identified an existing branding style they liked and wanted the design to incorporate. 

The initial ideas show experiments with different kerning and script versus sans serif and serif typefaces. For the script type I was able to experiment with my own script typeface design and an existing script type. Some of the initial ideas even combine my own typeface with an existing typeface. Initially the client liked the script and sans serif type combination although there were some concerns around the bay window element and if the script type on a bay window would challenge legibility perhaps too much. 

Due to the clients most important needs being legibility a serif typeface was a great way to enhance each characters legibility as each letter form is easily identifiable and lacks the confusion there may be with sans serif typefaces e.g. ‘l’ being confused with ‘i’. The typeface selected for the design after development was ‘Didot’ the varied stroke or weighting in each character created a clear aesthetic. The serif typeface met the legibility requirements of the brief and client. 

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