Wednesday 21 February 2018

Refinement of Book Cover Designs

Development Sketches:

Evaluation of Refinements 

After receiving peer and tutor feedback I was able to reflect on further modifications and developments to improve the designs and the design as a set. Feedback received gave me ideas on how to push the layout and design approach of the blurb layout much more intriguing and more visually consistent with the rest of the design. By using visual poetry to inspire the layout of the blurb added a sense of intrigue to a consistent layout. The varied range of tonal shades used for the background kept some sense of consistency as colours weren't entirely different but dark and light shades.  

The type dominant design also fits the unique sense of layout with important type elements such as the title. As the titles can be contained within the visual poetry imagery the two elements of type and imagery harmonise well together. The dark and white coloured imagery is to create high contrast against the background. The dark purple creates a more neutral feel to the A Game of Thrones cover as feedback reflected the opinion that the colour pink did not fit the theme or the design necessarily for A Game of Thrones. However the main reason The designs were originally all pink was to keep designs consistent as a set and create juxtaposition amongst other the genre and existing cover designs. 

Overall the cover designs work well being visually consistent and work together well as part of a series. The design concepts of hierarchy, betrayal and TV Series can be reflected in the type high contrast design set. Further modifications could involve further colour experimentation with knowledge of colour theory. This could include experimenting with a vibrating boundary colour scheme. 

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