Thursday 22 February 2018

Cell Phone Symphony : Evaluation

After final refinements I decided the two tones of yellow worked well to highlight the imagery. Although from feedback decided it was best for the poster to be one solid shade of yellow to match the one solid colour used in the contextual link between the Yellow Pages Phone Book and my design. I also toned down the opacity a bit more to keep the imagery single colour yellow so it did not contain other hues such as orange. This could be seen as distracting from the 'yellow' page design concept. Toning down the opacity also worked to the advantage by creating less focus to the imagery and created a greater focal point to dominant type. 

The dominant type was the main attribute to the design. The strong type also works well to fit the mandatory requirements of social and technological interaction by visually referencing connectivity through the use of lines. The use of lines visually creates the aesthetic of a simple network between each character spelling out 'Golan Levin.' A similar approach with less kerning was used to tie in some of the other type displaying the message 'Bring Your Phone.' 

The auditory experience is also reflected in the connecting lines visually this can symbolise the wiring contained within auditory devices such as hearing aids. Overall the design was successful and meets the requirements of the brief. The aesthetics of the design is relatable and appealing to the audience mainly due to the high contrast and bright shade of yellow nearly luminous which is eye-catching and captures attention. Further developments and modifications could involve experimenting with a more three dimensional approach or a vibration boundaries colour scheme to create a different approach to contrast. 

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