Thursday 9 November 2017

OUGD403 End of Module Evaluation


I enjoyed this module but during the next module I hope to have full attendance especially due to my illness in this module. I do believe this module has enabled me to develop and progress through my own work. The briefs set out were relevant and appropriate and enabled me develop my skills and improve my design work. I did reasonably well to balance my workload, regularly updating my blog with research and reflection on my work which I aim to maintain throughout all my modules.

I also think I have fulfilled a good learning potential but not necessarily my highest, because I still think my work can progress to a higher standard. But my overall learning throughout this module has really helped me progress. All the feedback I was given was so helpful and really benefited both my work and learning. The tutors gave me great support during this module and couldn’t have been any more helpful. The assessment criteria were clearly explained and explained again closer to submission which I found very helpful. The Library and Print resources were very helpful due to the resources equipment and workshops. I spent quite a bit on materials and printing for this module but found this essential to present my work effectively.

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