Monday 25 March 2019

SB2 Crit

  • Could you base a publication on human error
  • Deliberately showing errors in publications like crop marks 
  • Digital supporting platform to spot the errors 
  • Look at practical errors in publication e.g. binding, crop marks
  • The idea of errors rectified on digital platform - website 
  • Use the publication to convince audience with inevitable future
  • Recognise surgery is not just a game of operation its changing with a rise of technology 
  • Publication should de bunk why people are against surgical robots
  • Make a digital publication, e-book or e-publication

E-publication with errors FOR Robotic Surgery 

Attached online platform with errors resolved

Audience: People against robotic surgery

Problems associated with e-publications/e-books

- Scaling to fit all devices - scale 
- Legibility
- Spelling mistake 
- Colour off 
- A Typeface doesn't fit 
- Error 404 page cannot be reached 

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