Thursday 7 March 2019

Primary & Secondary Research Workshop

- How can you include yourself - make yourself the subject of your research
- How do you interact with the subject 
- Movement and the interaction with the subject 
- Experiments that relate to the research 


Ask Questions seek answers?

The experiments will allow me to gather content with consideration to varied research methods and different ways of capturing content. This will hopefully further influence initial ideas in some way. 

How does it inform why is it relevant?
Gathers first hand or primary content by reflection of different experiments and capturing methods. 

The task : Conduct research into mapping 

Experiment Ideas 
- Way finding signs (navigation of a map) Take photos of signage on a route
- C
o-ordinates of Uni 53.8088 N 1.5516 W (how a map is structured) 

- Count how many people interact with the map of trinity 
- Interact with new phone box (how a map can be interactive) 
- Get on a bus and see where you end up 
- Experiment further with co-ordinates  (5,8) 5 STEPS FORWARD 8 STEPS ACROSS


Observing walking pace

Observing an interactive map


Discussion of findings: People have very varied walking paces and walk in all directions not necessarily straight lines. This research enabled me to engage with mapping a route first hand. It also enabled me to gather content via different methods such a videos and photography. Whilst recognising existing and new ways of mapping such as the interactive map located during these experiments.  

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