Friday 8 March 2019

OUGD505 SB1 : Initial Ideas

Idea: Finding Alexandra 
Map Route : Alexandra Home to Alexandra Road 

Visual References:
Shopping centre maps 
Uber map 

Using shapes

Underground Map

Uber Map

Mapping the route

Way-finding the route

Initial Ideas

Initial ideas were inspired by visual references of existing maps such as Google, Uber and shape maps. The use of shapes to map a route is different and created a more abstract aesthetic. The use of shapes can also be used to create imagery or pattern making the mapped route perhaps more interesting, initial ideas experiment with this and repetition as an aesthetic. The colours experimented with aim to visualise contrast and personality the tonal shades work well to visualise a map more effectively over solid colour. 

The two typefaces aim to represent a generic map combined with the more personal route and design style of the map. The placement of type could be further challenged but initially placement aims to be similar the actual map or original visual references and even though the style is slightly more abstract still provide an audience with a rough idea of the surroundings and navigation of the route.

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