Tuesday 8 October 2019

Work Experience: The Clothing Lounge Interview

Before the interview process I had to complete two tasks, to ensure my capability and showcase the standard of my work. The tasks involved designing a Newsletter with supplied content and designing some form of packaging, so I chose a luxury bag. After sending in my designs it was requested that I scheduled an interview. One of the first questions the Director Sam Burke asked me was to explain my concept for these designs. I explained my concept was to fit into the brand guidelines as much as I was aware of visually at this stage and to create sophisticated minimal designs that showcase the brands high quality and success. 

Sam's feedback on my designs was "I love them both and they fit with the brand so well." In all honesty I was preparing myself for some harsh criticism being this was my first real engagement with a client outside the Freelance environment. A day after my interview first thing I received an email from Sam saying how impressed she was with my interview and I was offered the job. Below are some of the questions and answers I gave during my interview. 

Tasks - The Brief

My Design Outcomes

Telephone Interview

Why are you right for this role?
I love Fashion and would love a job to combine my love of fashion and skills I have acquired from studying Graphic Design. Also having attended New York Fashion Week I think I can bring that inspiration I gained from attending into this job role. 

What are your strengths?
Editorial Design and Branding. I have always loved editorial publications so it is something I am interested in and from creating brands for my own Freelance clients it is definitely one of my strengths. 

What are your weaknesses?
In terms of Graphic Design, I would say UI and App design purely because I haven't had much experience yet designing for applications. 

Why do you want to join The Clothing Lounge Team?
As an already successful fashion company I would like to be able to learn how the industry works first hand. Whilst also combining my love of Fashion and Graphic Design as my job role. 

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