Tuesday 1 October 2019

Something More - One Week Brief

The Brief: Present a mundane word in an interesting way. 

Word: Cursor 

Considerations: The word cursor in different situations, everyday, employment, transportation and romance. 

Other considerations:
- Utilities or uses?
- What does it do for you?
- Slogan acronym e.g. 'k. e. r. b. s.' 
- Description of objects to inform design

Other sources
- Empowering - TED Talk 
- Surprise 
- Event 
- Unboring 

Initial Thoughts:
We worked well together as part of a group and it was good to work with people we had not worked with before. The group worked well collaboratively with initial ideas and planned good time management. Initially we looked into the history and word associations surrounding the word 'cursor' Then it was discussed how we could make our topic and presentation interesting to an audience. Video methods, gifs, memes and alternative methods of presenting including Tumblr were discussed. 

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